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Adult Advocacy & Resources

Current Legislation

Continue Article.....PLANS TO HELP YOU

1. We understand that there are individuals who do qualify or may qualify for Medicaid but do not know the steps they should take. Thanks to the ARC of Monmouth, attached is DDD's Medicaid Fact Sheets as a guide to start the Medicaid application process. DO THIS IMMEDIATELY as it will take 6 weeks or more to have this approved or acted on by the department.

2. The Arc of New Jersey is advocating on behalf of individuals, who, for a variety of reasons, cannot obtain Medicaid. They have developed this Medicaid Eligibility Problem Form as a helpful tool:

(a) to determine what the problem is for DDD consumers who should be able to become Medicaid eligible, so they can receive Medicaid services, and

(b) to identify those DDD consumers who will NOT be eligible for Medicaid, through no fault of their own, so we can advocate for them to continue to receive DDD services.

The form can be downloaded and completed electronically and returned via email to The Arc of New Jersey. COMPLETE THIS IF YOU HAVE A CONCERN!

3. The Arc of Monmouth will host a meeting for families who may need assistance determining Medicaid eligibility on Wednesday, Feb 6 at 6:00 p.m. at The Arc Center, 1158 Wayside Road, Tinton Falls, NJ. Please contact Madalyn Bick at 732-493-1919 ext. 660 to reserve your seat.

4. There are groups and individuals that we are involved with who are getting more clarification on various issues. We will keep you informed as soon as we have more details as best as possible. We are not willing to provide you with misinformation or pieces that could be misleading. If you so choose, you are welcome to contact the DDD office, your legislator or the Governor. We are joining forces with both the ARC and the Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities to pursue our/your concerns on a greater scale.

5. We are considering setting up a parent meeting with some of our legislators who may be able to help us in this effort. We will let you know if this is scheduled promptly.

There is good news in addition to these concerns however. There will be additional funding available for services not currently covered under the Self-Directed budget! Also, some of the changes reflect that the state has become a "Work First State" with options to bring about employment for adults with disabilities, since they are so underrepresented in the workforce. At some point with your support coordinator, each participant will have a new plan developed called an "IEP" Individual Employability Plan. There are other changes that will evolve as this is implemented.

Once we have more details on this, we will plan a meeting as soon as possible and pass along any further information as it becomes known to us.

Please watch the Arc website and our website for new information. You are welcome to call 732-747-5310 Nancy (ext. 112) or Joanne (ext. 114) if you have any questions.

  • Catherine G
    Catherine G

    I love all my FRA classes and all the staff are amazing!

  • Nicole S.
    Nicole S.

    This program brought me out of my shell. I'm so grateful to be a part of FRA.

  • Patrick O.
    Patrick O.

    Brilliant facility with amazing learning options for children and adults with special needs.

  • Melinda

    So many wonderful programs and people here. I'm grateful for all that they do.

  • Doris C.

    This program for adults with special needs is very well organized.

  • Norman S.

    I love FRA so much. It's like a club I go to to find job-related social skills.

  • Colleen

    A great non-profit for families & individuals with IDD (intellectual developmental disabilities). Very nice staff who go above & beyond always.