Medicaid Eligibility Update from DDD:
DDD - Medicaid Eligibility Project Update - March 22, 2013:
The Division continues to receive a great number of emails and phone calls to the MediElig Helpdesk providing status updates. Due to the incredibly high volume of calls and emails, it is taking some time to respond. Please be assured that they are responding as quickly as possible and will get back to individuals in the order in which the calls and emails come in. The Help Desk email is: The dedicated voicemail is also available for those without computer access: (609) 631-6505. The are asking individuals to please continue to use the Help Desk to keep them apprised of their status in the Medicaid application process.
Click the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document below which provides additional details about many of the questions we have recently seen arise. This FAQ is also available on the DDD Medicaid Eligibility Page at:
With regard to next steps, letters were sent on Monday, March 25, 2013, to individuals currently receiving an ongoing Family Support Service. Providers will also receive a letter along with a roster of the individuals currently being served. All current ongoing family support requests are being extended to June 30, 2013. Individuals who are requesting a renewal of this service for after July 1, 2013 will need to contact their DDD case manager or DDS contact by April 12, 2013. Renewals of services will be based on demonstrated level of need and all Medicaid eligibility requirements being met.
Individuals who are denied Medicaid eligibility should continue to utilize the DDD Troubleshooting Form by clicking on the form Troubleshooting Form below, which is available on the DDD Medicaid Eligibility Page as well. This form should only be used if an individual is ineligible for Medicaid and should be emailed to the helpdesk email. They request the denial letter also be attached. They have had some questions asking if it is necessary to complete a Medicaid application if an individual has a substantial asset that would clearly make them ineligible for Medicaid. No, it isn't necessary for these individuals to complete an application but they will require a Troubleshooting form in order to identify these individuals and determine the next steps.
Medicaid Eligibility Troubleshooting Form
Frequently Asked Questions
There are significant changes happening at the state level, under DDD. Since the end of December, we have attempted to stay as informed as possible, with the state remaining as uncommitted as possible to their proposed changes. Finally, on January 22, 2013, DDD released their newly ADOPTED regulation changes for their eligibility. Click here to read this document. It is the best information we have to date. It includes their responses to concerns expressed by many, as well as the actual changes in their regulations that might affect your child's services. YOUR SUPPORT COORDINATOR should be contacting you soon to discuss any changes and impacts on your family.
However, the largest change is in the rule adoption for DDD determination of eligibility. DDD and all provider agencies (like FRA) must be/become a Medicaid approved provider. As a result, all participants under Real Life Choices/ Self-Determination funding (currently enrolled, as well as new participants) must have SSI and MEDICAID.
IF YOUR CHILD IS ALREADY COVERED UNDER SSI/ MEDICAID, YOUR SERVICES WILL CONTINUE UNINTERRUPTED. BUDGETS will not be changed, nor will your individual plan at this time. However, everyone should contact your Support Coordinator to get more details for your specific situation.
Of course there is a huge concern for those individuals who do not yet have or may not qualify (or think they don't qualify) for Medicaid. Basically, the rule adoption means: NO MEDICAID, NO DDD SERVICES
According to DDD, individuals who do not have Medicaid can only receive DDD services through March 23, 2013. FRA will be required to enforce that all DDD services will terminate for non-Medicaid individuals after that date. For individuals with extenuating circumstances, an additional 30 days of services may be possible. FRA also has to be approved as a Medicaid provider, which we have already initiated.
Click here to read an informative Newsletter from Hinkle, Fingles & Prior about Extra-curricular activities, DDD & DCF Eligibility & More.
Click here for information on AFFORDABLE HOUSING from Supportive Housing Association of NJ.