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Assistive technology can benefit Everyone!

No matter what the challenge, there are many options to find an appropriate solution for everyone to use the computer easier and with greater success. Take advantage of cutting edge technology and gain better computer access with assistive devices and/or software selection and needed customization. If you have a child, student, or an individual who has one or more of the following concerns, he/she might benefit from a technology evaluation:

Struggling with the writing process
Reading challenges or delays
Visual concerns
Fine motor difficulties
Physical limitations preventing the use of a standard keyboard or mouse
Difficulty with attention and time on task
Needs a multi-sensory approach to learning

The TECHConnection offers an extensive variety of assistive technology devices and software, available from most national, major A.T. vendors. You will be amazed by the many opportunities to try out various product types and compare product costs.

Finding the right solution makes a world of difference! Be confident knowing that there are many no-cost and low cost assistive technology options that can be identified at the TECHConnection. Consider having an individualized evaluation to identify your specific needs and solutions. Our AT Specialists, most of whom are also NJ certified Special Educators and Augmentative Communication Specialist/SLP provide exceptionally high quality services.


Available for infants through adults and include hands-on use of a wide variety of hardware, software and assistive devices. Skill level is determined and appropriate goals are recommended. A written follow-up report includes recommendations for hardware and software, as well as vendor information.

COST: $480
Evaluations can take from 1 to 2 hours. Evaluations are done at TECHConnection and/or at the school/agency.
Technical Assistance: Set up, training, customization: $100 / per hour
There will be a travel fee of $40.00 / per half hour of travel.

call to initiate a contract, please contact 732-747-5310 x111. or download the contract and pre-assessment forms on the bottom of the page.

In order to schedule an evaluation the school/agency must:
1) sign our contract authorizing us to proceed and that the school/ agency is agreeing to pay.
2) The teacher and parent must fill out our pre-assessment surveys.
3) Send us the student's IEP.

Once all these forms are received by us, our team reviews and an Assistive Technology Specialist will call the case manager to schedule the evaluation.

Teachers, therapists, case managers and the family are all invited to attend the evaluation.

In-Class Follow-Up Support:
A technology specialist will provide staff training and time in the classroom to work with the student and teacher in using the hardware and software, matching software programs with students' academic goals and helping to integrate the new tools into daily curriculum.

call for pricing - 732-747-5310 ext 114

FREE Assistive Technology Demonstrations in the Community!
Let the TECHConnection at FRA bring a TECH Expo to YOU in Monmouth County! You can increase your awareness of assistive technology at your convenience.

See many types of Assistive Technology alternatives to help people who struggle with reading, writing, vision concerns or physical limitations or who have developmental or acquired disabilities. Find ways to make using the computer easier!

A TECH EXPO will give people access to technology to broaden their world and offer more independence. Let us show you how to make using the computer easy. FIND solutions for the challenges you face in school, at home, or in the workplace.

CALL NOW to host a TECH EXPO of your own! We will bring all the technology to you with many demonstrations to help you or your clients!

Call Joanne Castellano, Director - TECHConnection @ FRA 732-747-5310 ext. 114, or email

Retainer to initiate services: $250
Report & records to review: $50 / per hour
Copy of records for legal review: $2 / per page
Court Appearance: 1/2 day: $600, Full Day: $1,000

According to IDEA, assistive technology is:
Any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. This includes a wide variety of software, adapted keyboards, switches, monitors, adapted toys, walkers, wheelchairs and much more.

What is IDEA?
IDEA is the amended version of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-142). The law encompasses and expands upon several earlier education initiatives and guarantees four basic rights and two protective assurances for infants, toddlers, children, youth, and young adults with disabilities.

If you spend time around seasoned users of assistive technologies, you will pick up on an important perspective about incorporating technology into your life - it's a process. No one goes into the search for technology access knowing exactly what to expect or fully understanding the power or potential of technology. They just jump in!