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Adult Advocacy & Resources

Adult Advocacy & Resources


New possibilities exist for adults with developmental disabilities to achieve a full and productive life with the necessary supports needed.
* FRA has a book library with helpful readings.

* At times, FRA offers groups for parents who have adult children who are developmentally disabled.

* Our TECHConnection offers daily classes that students out of high school may attend.

* Advocates For Alternatives, Inc. promotes self-direction and person-centered planning so each individual with a disabilities has the FREEDOM, CHOICE and CONTROL over their lives with the associated responsibility. They offer guidance and support to individuals and famiies.

To learn more contact Ann Martinelli at:

* NJ offers resources through their Division of Developmental Disabilties to assist in funding some of these resources.

  • Get the information you need!

  • Find the resources you need

  • Connect with others who have gone through the process

Get active in the community and become knowledgeable about how to improve your life as a young adult.

Advocacy For Persons with Disabilities

Janis Bell, diocesan Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, welcomes calls from persons with developmental or acquired disabilities, their families and care-givers in the Diocese of Trenton. If you need assistance locating resources, solving a problem, or finding the help you need to live life to the fullest, please contact Janis Bell at 609-406-7400, x5594 or email

  • Catherine G
    Catherine G

    I love all my FRA classes and all the staff are amazing!

  • Nicole S.
    Nicole S.

    This program brought me out of my shell. I'm so grateful to be a part of FRA.

  • Patrick O.
    Patrick O.

    Brilliant facility with amazing learning options for children and adults with special needs.

  • Melinda

    So many wonderful programs and people here. I'm grateful for all that they do.

  • Doris C.

    This program for adults with special needs is very well organized.

  • Norman S.

    I love FRA so much. It's like a club I go to to find job-related social skills.

  • Colleen

    A great non-profit for families & individuals with IDD (intellectual developmental disabilities). Very nice staff who go above & beyond always.