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Transition to Work Internships

  • High School Transition Student Internships (Ages 18-21)

    LifeWork at FRA has supported transitioning high school students for a life that works since 2006. Our goal is to support student interns to determine the best match for their ultimate work choices through these unpaid internships, focusing on the student’s strengths and capabilities as they are placed in a business setting that builds on their passions, dreams, and preferences. Collaborations with school districts offer students community-based prevocational services to make the transition from school to work more effective.

  • Adult Internships (21+)

    Adults can similarly benefit from unpaid internships in the community to learn and develop work readiness skills. With the support of a one-to-one job coach, adults can utilize their Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) budget to build on their strengths and passions in a workplace setting. Three short-term unpaid internship placements will assist each person in gaining the skills they need for integrated employment. At the conclusion of the internship program, the EmployAbility team at FRA will work with the adults in finding a paid placement in their field of interest and continue to support them until they are independent in their job.

Email for more information about any of our Transition to Work programs.

  • Catherine G
    Catherine G

    I love all my FRA classes and all the staff are amazing!

  • Nicole S.
    Nicole S.

    This program brought me out of my shell. I'm so grateful to be a part of FRA.

  • Patrick O.
    Patrick O.

    Brilliant facility with amazing learning options for children and adults with special needs.

  • Melinda

    So many wonderful programs and people here. I'm grateful for all that they do.

  • Doris C.

    This program for adults with special needs is very well organized.

  • Norman S.

    I love FRA so much. It's like a club I go to to find job-related social skills.

  • Colleen

    A great non-profit for families & individuals with IDD (intellectual developmental disabilities). Very nice staff who go above & beyond always.