Habilitative Speech and Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy helps adults with communicative needs learn techniques to improve communication interactions with others. The skills learned though speech therapy can be applied to each person's repertoire to improve communication at home, on the job, and in the community. These are some of the skills addressed by our practitioners.
- Verbal expression {speaking) & auditory comprehension/ processing (understanding speech)
- Speech articulation
- Voice fluency and volume
- Reduction in Stuttering
- Pragmatics (understanding the non-literal aspects of speech/inferencing based on the context of conversation)
- Functional communication in the community
- Job related communication skills
Occupational Therapy (OT) is an evidence-based practice that helps individuals across the lifespan to do the manual things they want and need to do for greater independence. OT practitioners enable individuals of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping to promote health and to maximize independence to live optimally with an injury, illness, or disAbility. Below are some of the skills that can be gained though working with our practitioners.
- Independent living skills (i.e., self-care, care of their space, money management, or grocery shopping)
- Gain practical solutions for home care or activity modifications
- Adapted devices and equipment to gain greater independence
- Sensory and Stress management
- Strengthening, coordination & balance
- Travel training for independence in the community
All therapies are based specifically on client needs!
Download the Individual Therapies Questionnaire below:
For questions or to determine your eligibility, please contact Alexis Spektor, Adult Programs Director, at 732-747-5310 ext. 120 or Alexa DellaMonica at ext. 123